Solidaritet med gresk fagbevegelse

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EL & IT Forbundet in Norway sends its solidarity greetings to GENOP and the other greek trade unions for the general strike today November 12th.

We send our support to the Greek unions in challenging the policies that the government will be implementing as part of the latest bail-out deal.

These include increases in indirect taxation, major changes to the public social insurance scheme, the privatization of remaining strategic parts of the public sector (energy, water, ports and airports), further cuts in wages and pensions. We agree that these policies are simply a continuation of the austerity that has done nothing to foster economic growth in Greece.

EL & IT Forbundet wishes success to all the public and private sector workers, the unemployed, pensioners and young people who will join the demonstrations around the country on 12 November to show their opposition to the bailout provisions.

Best regards,
Jan O. Andersen