Mediation LO–NHO

Publisert: 13.04.21

Draft agreement

  • A general hourly increase of NOK 2.25 for everyone as of 1 April.
  • An additional low wage supplement for all workers covered by national agreements of less than 90 percent of the average industrial wage. (The average industrial wage is NOK 506,630 per year; 90 percent is NOK 455, 967.)
  • The low-wage supplement will be a special boon to women. Almost half of all workers entitled to the low-wage supplement are women, while women covered by this year’s wage settlement are around 20 percent. 

The draft agreement proposed by the mediator has been unanimously recommended by the bargaining committee. The LO General Council will adopt its position on the draft agreement on 6 May 2021.

The following national agreements are entitled to the low-wage supplement:

Collective wage bargaining 2021

National collective agreements entitled to the low-wage supplement:

10 National agreement for the cleaning sector
14 Security guards
55 Bookbinders
56 Printers and graphic companies
57 Corrugated cardboard and cardboard products
70 Retail workers – HK
79 National agreement – hospitality workers
105 Laundries and dry cleaners
133 National agreement for bakers and confectioners
293 Gardereners and landscapers
296 National Industrial Agreement LO-TEKO
301 Parking companies
329 Glass- and ceramics industries
333 Ski centers
345 Car rental agreement
370 Forestry and agriculture
377 Transport companies in Norway
390 National agreement for the service and maintenance industries
415 Leisure and activities agreements
457 Newspaper deliverers 
477 Environmentally friendly waste management companies
487 The AMB agreement
521 Paraveterinaries and assistants
525 Agriculture and horticulture

In addition to the above, equivalent supplements are assured for companies with individual agreements, as is apparent from the respective memorandum between the parties. 

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